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IVF Programs – We Are Your In Vitro Fertilization Center

The latest research has shown that over 50 million people worldwide experience infertility. Most people that experience infertility can actually become fertile again with a well established fertility program. However, when such less forceful methods fail or are inappropriate, in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be required. Asia Egg Donors fertility treatment center provides you with the best IVF programs so you could choose a perfect fertility program and know that your chances of having a baby is quite high with our very high success rates.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) offers hope when other infertility treatments are not successful. It eliminates any barriers between egg and sperm by combining them in a lab. The growing embryos are then placed inside the uterus.


Asia Egg Donors Fertility Treatment Center's IVF Programs

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) offers hope when other infertility treatments are not successful. It eliminates any barriers between egg and sperm by combining them in a lab. The growing embryos are then placed inside the uterus.



When a man's sperm count is extremely low or the sperm don't move well, they may not be able to fertilize an egg without help. A procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can overcome this problem by inserting a single sperm directly into an egg. The resulting embryos are then transferred to the uterus through the normal IVF procedure. The majority of IVF cycles now use ICSI.


IVF with Blastocyst Transfer

A recent breakthrough in IVF technology is known as blastocyst transfer. In standard IVF, embryos are transferred to the womb when they reach the two- to eight-cell stage. In the newer procedure, the embryos are allowed to grow for five days until they reach the blastocyst stage. The healthiest one or two blastocysts are chosen for transfer. This eliminates the possibility of triplets while maintaining a high success rate.


Gender Selection through PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)

Around the third day, after the eggs have been fertilized, the fertility doctor will remove a cell from a developing embryo at its 8 cell stage. That cell will be analyzed under a microscope to look for genetic diseases. The fertility doctor will then implant only embryos, that are of high quality and no genetic diseases are found, into the surrogate or intended mother’s uterus. It is safe and reliable and no harm is done to the embryos. The Embryologist will also know the sex of the embryo and the intended parents can select which one to implant.


Gender Selection through Microarray CGH

Microarray CGH is a newer technology that can greatly increase the success rates of pregnancy. Under this procedure, the Embryologist identifies which embryos have the correct number of chromosomes and only those embryos are implanted because those embryos have the best chance of producing a baby and the lowest chances of a miscarriage.


Testicular Sperm Extraction

Sometimes men may have had a vasectomy or unable to produce sperm by ejaculation because of testicular failure so this procedure can help them. During testicular sperm extraction, the doctor will remove a small part of tissue from the testicle. local anesthesia is used and the procedure is over 90% effective. Once a few sperm are extracted, they can be used in harvesting the eggs using Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).


Pregnancy With Our IVF Programs

Our success rates are quite high. In fact, if we use a young, healthy egg donor and good quality sperm, our success rates are even better than found in western countries like the U.S. In many case we have done, our success rates for first time IVF cycle are over 75%. That is quite high and we would never brag unless we were sure of this kind of successful outcome. We are that confident that we can help you.


The 5 Step IVF Process

IVF treatment is a modern assisted reproductive technology that Asia Egg Donors fertility treatment center carefully and professionally provides to our customers. We want to explain in an easy way how the IVF process works. Here you go...



Ovarian Hyper Stimulation

Patients will take fertility drugs to stimulate a woman's ovaries so as to produce an increased quantity of eggs. Based on the woman’s age, her medical history, and results of the initial ultrasound and hormonal evaluations, our fertility treatment center develops a personalized protocol to monitor and track ongoing results of blood tests and ultrasound examinations to see how she is responding to the fertility drugs.



Ovum Pick Up (Egg Collection)

When our egg donor eggs are ready to be collected, our fertility doctor will collect them through a minimally invasive medical surgical procedure that is performed under intravenous anesthesia so she will feel no pain. During the procedure, a needle is inserted into the ovaries to take out the eggs under ultrasound guidance. The fluid that is extracted is then examined by a medical professional, our embryologist, to separate the eggs we received.



In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

We can use fresh or frozen sperm to be used in the VF process for the collected eggs. What most individuals do not know is frozen sperm is as good as fresh one. Believe it or not. Our IVF doctor will insert a single sperm into each separate eggs through an Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) procedure. This is common practice today among all IVF cycles.



Making Embryos

It will take 5 to 6 days for your embryos to develop in our control environment. We will send reports on day 3 and day 5 of your embryo development. After we choose when to use or freeze your embryos, usually as Blastocyst stage, we can then determine the next steps in how we will use your embryos to make your baby either through your partner or through a surrogate mother.



Transferring Your Embryo/s

After we choose when to use or freeze your embryos, usually as Blastocyst stage, we can then determine the next steps in how we will use your embryos to make your baby either through your partner or through a surrogate mother.

After 10 days following the embryo transfer, our medical staff will do a pregnancy test to determine if your partner or surrogate mother is pregnancy.


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